Resource Center
Animal Mobility Resources: Carts & Wheelchairs
Dewey’s Wheelchairs for Dogs www.wheelchairsfordogs.com
Doggon’ Wheels www.doggon.com
Eddie’s Wheels for Pets www.eddieswheels.com
K-9 Carts The Pet Mobility Experts www.k9carts.com
Animal Mobility Resources: Slings & Harnesses
Animal Suspension Technology Pet Support Suits: Helping Humans Help Their Petswww.petsupportsuit.com
Bottom’s Up Leash www.bottomsupleash.com
Walkabout Harness & Walkabout Sling www.walkaboutharnesses.com
Animal Mobility Resources: Orthotics & Prosthetics
Animal Orthocare, Derrick Campana, CPOwww.animalorthocare.com
Animal Mobility Resources: Booties & Supportive Devices
Therapaw www.therapaw.com
Dogleggs Products for the Comfort & Health of Your Petswww.dogleggs.com
Orthovet Small Animal Splinting Solutions www.orthovet.com
PAWZ Dog Boots www.pawsdogboots.com
Ruffwear www.ruffwear.com
Resources for Clients
Canine Icer Wraps, Weights, Icers, & Splints www.canineicer.com
Charlee Bear Treats www.charleebear.com
Respond Systems www.respondsystems.com
SwimEx Pools www.swimex.com
Westcoast Animal Rehabilitation Equipmentwww.animalrehab.co.uk
Animal Rehabilitation Associations & Organizations
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) www.apta.org
Animal Physical Therapy Special Interest Group www.orthopt.org
International Association of Veterinary Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy (IAVRPT) www.iavrpt.org
Association of Chartered Animal Physiotherapists (ACPAT) www.acpat.org
American Canine Sports Medicine Association (ACSMA) www.acsma.org
Pets with Disabilities www.petswithdisabilities.org
Animal Rehabilitation Educational Resources
Canine Rehabilitation Institute www.caninerehabinstitute.com
Northeast Seminars Certificate Program in Canine Rehabilitation www.neseminars.com